
News from Hartford International University

Faculty In The News

Prof. Najib Awad's Poems on Syrian War Published in 'World Literature Today'

October 3, 2016

Prof. Najib Awad teaches Christian Theology at Hartford Seminary, but he is also a highly regarded poet who often writes about the tragic situation in his home country of Syria.

Faculty In The News, General HIU News

President Hadsell Joins World Council of Churches Dialogue

October 3, 2016

President Heidi Hadsell was in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for Muslim-Christian dialogue with religious leaders from Egypt in conjunction with a meeting of the World Council of Churches.

Faculty In The News

Chair Named for Prof. Miriam Therese Winter

October 3, 2016

Hartford Seminary proudly announces that the Chair in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality will be named after the founder and director of the Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, Prof. Miriam Therese Winter.

General HIU News

Dr. Reza Mansoor Launches his Book 'Stigmatized: From 9/11 to Trump and Beyond - An American Muslim Journey'

September 26, 2016

Dr. Reza Mansoor had many reasons to write Stigmatized: From 9/11 to Trump and Beyond – An American Muslim Journey, but one of the most compelling was the negative perception that American have about Muslims.

General HIU News

Prof. Najib Awad Speaks in Prague on Syrian Crisis

September 19, 2016

By invitation from Prof. Ivana Noble, Professor of Ecumenical Theology at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Prof. Najib Awad gave a public lecture on the Syrian crisis on Sept. 15, 2016.

General HIU News

Hartford Seminary Chosen for 2016 Class of Seminaries that Change the World

September 15, 2016

Hartford Seminary is pleased to announce that we have been recognized in the 2016-17 class of Seminaries that Change the World by The Center for Faith and Service.

General HIU News

Hartford Seminary Prepares for International Higher Education Interfaith Leadership Forum

September 13, 2016

President Heidi Hadsell, along with a group of students and staff, will be in Washington, D.C., the week of Sept. 19 to facilitate and participate in the International Higher Education Interfaith Leadership Forum and the President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge.

Faculty In The News

Prof. Najib Awad Presents Paper at Congress of Arab-Christian Studies in Rome

September 12, 2016

Prof. Najib Awad participated in the X Congress of Arab-Christian  Studies organized by the Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rome from August 24-26, 2016.

General HIU News

Prof. Yahya Michot Publishes Article in Encyclopedia of Islam

September 8, 2016

Prof. Y. Michot’s article on the Ottoman scholar Ahmad al-Rûmî al-Aqhisârî (d.1041/1632) has just come out in the first supplement volume of the Encyclopedia of Islam – İslâm Ansiklopedisi published by the Diyanet Foundation of Turkey (Istanbul, August 2016).

Campus Events

Convocation Ushers in Hartford Seminary's 183rd Year

September 8, 2016

Hartford Seminary welcomed students, alumni, trustees, staff and faculty to its 183rd year at Convocation on Wednesday with words shared from poets, scripture and the heart.