Faculty In The News

Professor David D. Grafton Speaking at Three October Gatherings

October 12, 2017

  Professor David D. Grafton has a busy October lined up.

Student News

Student Mike Corey Travels to Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico to Help with Communications

October 11, 2017

Mike Corey, a student in Hartford Seminary’s Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality program, is also the Emergency Preparedness Manager with the National Association for Amateur Radio in Newington. In that role, he is in Puerto Rico helping the bridge the communications gap that occurred after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in mid-September.

Faculty In The News, General HIU News

Professor Deena Grant Leads Celebration of Sukkot

October 11, 2017

The sukkah built on Hartford Seminary’s front lawn to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot was a bit battered by a few days of wind and rain, but it served its purpose on Tuesday as an interfaith group gathered to learn about the holiday and eat a simple meal together.

Student News

Peacemaker Profile: Laurie Gaum of South Africa

October 9, 2017

Our 2017-18 class of International Peacemaking Program fellows includes nine students from the U.S. and five other countries. We asked each one of them the same set of questions.

Faculty In The News

Listen to President Heidi Hadsell's Interview on WNPR

October 6, 2017

President Heidi Hadsell was a guest on WNPR’s “Where We Live” with host Lucy Nalpathanjal on Friday, Sept. 29, from 9 – 10 a.m. Listen to the podcast at this link.

Faculty In The News, General HIU News

Sukkah Goes Up on Hartford Seminary Grounds

October 4, 2017

Jewish Studies Professor Deena Grant led students, faculty and staff in the building of a sukkah to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Faculty In The News

Professor M.T. Winter to Lead Worship at 2017 Women in Ministry Conference

October 4, 2017

Professor M.T. Winter will lead the closing worship at the 2017 Women in Ministry Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary on Oct. 25.

Alumni News

Impact Story: Using the Arts to Sow Seeds of Compassion

October 4, 2017

As the leader of a church in Salisbury, CT, that is 98 percent white, the Rev. Dr. Diane Monti-Catania felt the need to shake things up a bit.

Faculty In The News, General HIU News

President Heidi Hadsell Will Be a Guest on WNPR's 'Where We Live'

September 27, 2017

President Heidi Hadsell will be a guest on WNPR’s “Where We Live” with host Lucy Nalpathanjal on Friday, Sept. 29, from 9 – 10 a.m. Tune in at FM 90.5 or listen later to a podcast at this link.

Faculty In The News

Professor David D. Grafton Contributes Book Chapter on Christian-Muslim Relations

September 27, 2017

Professor David D. Grafton contributed a chapter on "Christians and Muslims in the Americas" to the new Routledge Handbook on Christian-Muslim Relations. 

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