Student News

Peacemaker Profile: Guimond Pierre Louis of Haiti

November 9, 2017

Our 2017-18 class of International Peacemaking Program fellows includes nine students, four from the U.S. and five from other countries. We asked each one of them the same set of questions.

Faculty In The News

Professor Timur Yuskaev Introduces His Book: 'Speaking Qur'an: An American Scripture'

October 31, 2017

In an Oct. 25 talk to introduce his new book Speaking Qur’an: An American Scripture, Professor Timur Yuskaev said he chose his subject matter, in part, to “get away from the usual way of writing about American Muslims.”

Alumni News

Impact Story: From Inward Church to Outward Mission

October 30, 2017

Trinity Episcopal Church in Hartford, founded in 1859, has long been an open, welcoming and diverse congregation and was the first “free” church in Hartford. The church has also had a close relationship with Hartford Seminary, engaging with many students from the International Peacemaking Program.

Student News

Peacemaker Profile: Amy Langston of the U.S.

October 30, 2017

Our 2017-18 class of International Peacemaking Program fellows includes nine students, four from the U.S. and five from other countries. We asked each one of them the same set of questions.

Student News

Peacemaker Profile: Nazir P. Nazar of Greece

October 24, 2017

  Our 2017-18 class of International Peacemaking Program fellows includes nine students, four from the U.S. and five from other countries. We asked each one of them the same set of questions.

Faculty In The News

Article on Megachurch Diversity Quotes Interim Academic Dean Scott Thumma

October 23, 2017

The Charlotte Observer’s take on a white pastor who leads a racially diverse megachurch in North Carolina included a quote from Interim Academic Dean Scott Thumma, an expert on megachurches.

Student News

Impact Story: Cornell's First Muslim Chaplain Making a Difference

October 23, 2017

Islamic Chaplaincy student Yasin Ahmed has only been in his new job at Cornell University for a few months, but already he is making a difference.

Faculty In The News

Professor Feryal Salem Speaking at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church, Wisdom House

October 20, 2017

Professor Feryal Salem has several speaking engagements over the next few weeks, including a two-part program about “Moral Leadership” at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church in Hartford and a study retreat program on Imam Ghazali and Islamic Spirituality at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center in Litchfield.

Alumni News

Impact Story: Involving an Entire Congregation in Confirmation for Teenagers

October 17, 2017

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Carr was leading a small congregation, the First Church of Christ in Unionville, CT, when she discovered that three high school students needed to be confirmed.

Student News

Peacemaker Profile: Allyson Zacharoff of the U.S.

October 17, 2017

Our 2017-18 class of International Peacemaking Program fellows includes nine students, four from the U.S. and five from other countries. We asked each one of them the same set of questions.

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