2020 Luce-Hartford Conference in Christian-Muslim Relations

The Agency and Vital Voices of Women: Muslim and Christian Religiosity and Scholarship
We thank everyone who attended the second Luce-Hartford Conference. Videos and coverage of the conference can be found at this link.
Zoom Webinar: Monday, June 8 – Wednesday, June 10, 2020 (7:00-8:30 pm EST, each evening)
Due to the challenges of the COVID-19, we will be changing the format of the conference this year. We will hold a Zoom Webinar on three successive evenings, from 7:00-8:30 pm EST, June 8-10, 2020. The conference will be free to all who register.
Women have been critical to the origin and development of Islam and Christianity. Without women’s voices and leadership, each respective faith may not have succeeded in developing
or in flourishing throughout the world. From the very inception of their faith communities, women have provided spiritual, scriptural, and theological guidance, providing agency and advocacy for and behalf of women and their families, and reflecting on what it means to be faithful, moral, ethical, just humans in community. They have also stepped out of their own spaces to provide public leadership. The 2020 Luce-Hartford Conference will provide an opportunity for Christian and Muslim women scholars and religious leaders to reflect on their unique roles and voices in interpreting their scriptures and leading within their respective religious traditions.
The conference will address:
- The role of women’s scholarly voices in scripture and theology
- The leadership role of women in Muslim and Christian communities
- The impact or potential impact of female theological and scriptural perspectives in Christian-Muslim relationships
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