Legacy Giving

Your Gift Creates a Lasting Legacy
Bequests, life income gifts, and all other planned gifts are an investment in the future of Hartford International. These gifts will help generations of students obtain the education and training they need. There are many ways you can meet your financial goals and maximize your philanthropic giving to the Hartford International through sound and timely gift planning.
Benefits of Planned Gifts
- Tax advantages are substantial, especially on appreciated securities and properties.
- Total savings on income, estate, and capital gains taxes and on probate expenses can come close to the amount you transfer.
- Many giving options can assure you of income for the rest of your life.
- Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
- You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances.
- You can direct your gift to a particular purpose.
Legacy gifts can be made in several forms including bequests and planned gifts and are especially important for Hartford International as we seek to build endowment resources to provide scholarships for students and to strengthen support for teaching and research.
1834 Society
The 1834 Society was created to recognize and thank alumni, family, and friends who have made a bequest or planned gift. By becoming an 1834 Society member, you join with others who have made the commitment to provide for generations of students and scholars to come.
Bequests and other planned gifts have a profound and lasting impact supporting generations of students as well as teaching, and research.
However you choose to support Hartford International, your membership in the 1834 Society will serve as an inspiration to all who share your vision for Hartford International’s future.
As an 1834 Society member, you will be acknowledged in honor roll listings recognizing your support. You will also be invited to join your fellow members at occasional special events.
Membership in the 1834 Society
You are eligible for membership in the 1834 Society if you have named Hartford International as a beneficiary of your:
- Will or trust
- IRA or other retirement plan
- Life insurance policy
- Life income or other planned gift (charitable gift annuity, pooled income fund, charitable remainder trust)
To learn more about becoming an 1834 Society member, please contact development@hartfordinternational.edu
Gifts That Cost You Nothing Over Your Lifetime
There are several ways to support Hartford International that will not affect you and your family during your lifetime. We recommend speaking with a financial adviser and attorney on the best way for you to leave a legacy gift to Hartford International
Bequests (Gifts by Will or Living Trust)
Gift of Life Insurance
Gift of a Retirement Plan
Gifts That Pay You Back
Planned Gifts, also known as life income gifts, are frequently an important source of retirement income. Gifts that pay life income have many benefits including dependable income for you and your family, current and future tax savings, and a means to make a generous gift to Hartford International. As you are planning for retirement or the care of a loved one, life income gifts are a helpful way to meet both your personal and charitable giving goals.
Depending on your situation, there are several different kinds of planned gifts that may meet your needs:
Charitable Gift Annuities
A Gift Annuity’s rate of return is based solely on your age at the time of the gift. Annuities may be funded with cash or appreciated securities, and provide fixed income payments, for life, to you and/or another person, successively. A significant portion of the income may be tax-free. You may defer income payments to a later date, such as retirement age, which may produce a substantial increase in the rate of return.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Trusts may be funded with cash, securities or real estate, and income payments may be fixed or flexible. The most common type, the Unitrust, is valued annually and the donor is paid a fixed percentage of the value over the following year.
Pooled Income Fund
The Pooled Income Fund is like a mutual fund; it accepts gifts from many donors, manages them, and distributes each gift’s portion of the earnings to the designated one or two life-income beneficiaries, successively.
Hartford International welcomes your inquiries about life income gifts and stands ready to assist you. All inquiries are strictly confidential. We also strongly advise and encourage donors to always consult with their own attorney or financial adviser as well. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (860) 509-9500 or send an email to development@hartfordinternational.edu.
Bequest Pledge
How to make a Bequest Pledge to benefit Hartford International:
Bequest gifts are used to grow permanent endowment funds and therefore will benefit future generations of students, ensuring a bright future for the Hartford International in perpetuity. Scholarship gifts are especially important as they assure that the best students are supported regardless of need.
By adding a codicil to your WILL, you can easily create a bequest gift for Hartford International. Your commitment can be made either as a percentage of your estate, or by specifying a dollar amount. Also, you may choose to make your gift for general use, or to designate it either to create a new fund, such as a scholarship, or to contribute to an existing scholarship or program*
BEQUESTS are the most common form of planned gift. Here is an example of sample language that can be used for this purpose.
“I give ($________) or (______________a specific asset, such as securities, real estate or other property) or (all) or (____% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to Hartford International in Hartford, Connecticut, for the sole benefit of the Hartford International (for its general purposes) or (for the following purpose: _______________).”
Fill out the form below:
Mindful of the generations of students to come, many alumni/ae and friends of Hartford International University for Religion and Peace have been inspired to build their legacy and make a substantial impact on the lives of students. How will you create your legacy at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace?
Please use this confidential form to record your bequest and to notify Hartford International University for Religion and Peace of your generous intention. The details will remain confidential.
Thank you for informing us of your intention to include Hartford International University for Religion and Peace in your will, estate plan, or as a charitable beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance or other assets. We look forward to welcoming you to the 1834 Society, which recognizes and honors the generosity of alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends who are leaving a legacy for future generations of students at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.
*For further information about creating a legacy at Hartford International, please contact the Development Office at development@hartfordinternational.edu
Bequest Pledge Form
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