
"How do Christians envision the future of interreligious relationships in the post Assad Syria?"

November 28, 2012

In this lecture delivered on November 27, 2012,Dr. Najib Awad shows that the Christians in Syria are neither silent nor indifferent to the Syrian Spring, and sheds light on the real essence of the Christians' stance on the Syrian revolution.


Hadsell Attends World Peace Forum, Inclusive America Project

November 20, 2012

President Heidi Hadsell spoke at the 4th annual World Peace Forum November 23 -25 in West Java, Indonesia.


Four Indonesian Professors Visit Hartford Seminary

November 14, 2012

Hartford Seminary hosted four scholars from the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies this week.


Seminary Community Mourns the Passing of Bishop Kenneth Cragg

November 14, 2012

Bishop Kenneth Cragg, Professor of Arabic and Islamics at Hartford Seminary from 1951 to 1958 and co-editor of The Muslim World journal, has passed away. Cragg had a special commitment to Christian-Muslim dialogue that influenced generations of religious leaders and academic scholars.


Seminary Establishes New Chair in Abrahamic Partnerships

November 11, 2012

Hartford Seminary has established an endowed faculty chair in Abrahamic Partnerships that will further enhance the Seminary's national prominence in multifaith education.


Seminary will open today at 10 a.m.

November 8, 2012


Confirmation Classes Attend Interfaith Event

October 30, 2012

On Saturday, October 27, Hartford Seminary presented a special interfaith afternoon of exploration and discovery to confirmation classes from 10 United Church of Christ and Episcopal churches.


Hartford Seminary Closed on Tuesday, October 30

October 29, 2012


Hartford Seminary Closed on Monday, October 29

October 28, 2012


Library, Commemorative Courtyard Projects Completed

October 25, 2012

Hartford Seminary is pleased to announce the completion of two major projects to enhance library services to students and the public and to honor alumni and friends of the Seminary in a commemorative courtyard.

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