
Hartford Seminary Receives Living Spirit Award

May 5, 2014

The Spiritual Life Center in West Hartford presented Hartford Seminary with its 2014 Living Spirit Award on May 1. According to the Center, “the Living Spirit Award is presented yearly to an individual whose words and actions serve to heal and transform people and communities, and to an organization whose mission and actions work for social justice, environmental justice, inter-faith bridging and/or peace making in our community and the world.”


Omid Safi Speaks on MLK's Legacy and the Mandate of Conscience

April 25, 2014

Professor, writer and speaker Omid Safi had a challenging message for those attending his talk at Hartford Seminary on April 24: “The world is messed up. It is broken and we are the ones that are breaking it.”


More National Media Attention: Scott Thumma on NPR's Marketplace

April 23, 2014

Prof. Scott Thumma was featured in an interview about the expansion of Rick Warren’s megachurches during NPR’s Marketplace Morning Report on April 23.


Disaster Emotional and Spiritual Care Training Course - Registration Deadline April 25th

April 19, 2014

Hartford Seminary, through a training partnership with the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN), will host a Disaster Chaplain training course on the Hartford Seminary campus on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 6 & 7, 8:30 AM to 5 PM, in the Budd Interfaith Building, 60 Lorraine Street. Congregation leaders, chaplains, spiritual care providers, mental health professionals, and emergency managers are urged to enroll.


Watch the CBS News Show Featuring Hartford Seminary

April 14, 2014

CBS News began airing its program “A New Calling: Spiritual Second Careers” on Sunday, April 13, on local CBS stations around the country. The show will also air Sunday, April 20, on New York’s WCBS station at 1 p.m. and Chicago’s WBBM station at 11:30 a.m


Panel Discusses Role of 19th Century Missionaries in Hawaii

April 11, 2014

Were the missionaries who traveled from Connecticut to Hawaii during the 19th century products of their time with good intentions, or were they arrogant meddlers who helped dismantle the native culture?


Special Haggadah Donated to Hartford Seminary

April 9, 2014

A very special illustrated Pesach Haggadah, the Jewish text used for the Passover Seder, has been donated to Hartford Seminary through the efforts of Yehezkel Landau, Associate Professor of Interfaith Relations.


Students Outline Adventures in Oman

April 3, 2014

Five Hartford Seminary students who traveled to Oman in January for a course called “Christian-Muslim Relations in Arabia: Ibadi Islam and Interfaith Theology in the Sultanate of Oman” described their experiences Wednesday in a presentation to the seminary community.


CBS News Issues Press Release on Program Featuring Hartford Seminary

March 31, 2014

A NEW CALLING: SPIRITUAL SECOND CAREERS, a CBS Interfaith Special that explores the phenomenon of mature adults moving from successful secular careers into the world of religion, will be broadcast Sunday, April 13, on the CBS Television Network (check local listings).


Dr. Mitri Raheb Speaks About the Palestinian Narrative

March 26, 2014

The Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem and a leading Palestinian Christian theologian, writer, and activist, spoke at Hartford Seminary on Wednesday about his latest book, Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible Through Palestinian Eyes.

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