Religious Diversity Training for Education
Typically, the student body, staff, and faculty of institutions of secondary and higher education are religiously diverse. Our workshops help students, faculty, and staff understand and appreciate the implications of religious diversity on campus.
Tailored to your campus environment, sessions are designed to help students, faculty and staff appreciate the religious diversity of their context. Workshops may address how to talk about religion, provide a virtual tour of the multi-religiousness of your surroundings, and demonstrate the implications of bringing one’s religious commitments to campus.
Sample Training:
The Four Cs of Religious Diversity on Campus
Learn about clocks, calendars, clothing, and cuisine as factors on a multireligious campus and their implications for campus life.
Faith on Campus in Times of Crisis: Responding to Trauma and Grief
This workshop prepares leaders to respond supportively to situations of personal and communal trauma and grief in a religiously diverse context by equipping them with cultural competencies and a sufficient understanding of the religious and spiritual practices to which diverse members of the faculty, staff, and student body may turn in difficult times.
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