Building an Intentional Strategy for the (Post-Pandemic) Future (AM-673)
Course Details:
The purpose of this series of class sessions is to explore the tools needed to analyze and assess your congregation’s strengths and build an intentional strategy for ministry in the post-pandemic reality. The goal of this course is to ground your planning and practice of ministry in a realistic understanding of your church’s contextual and organizational realities and the impact of larger cultural and societal changes on their specific ministry context. Students will be introduced to various field research tools, practice using them and then reflect strategically and systematically on the insights gathered through their use. The final product will be a workable plan for bridging from your current ministry reality to one that moves beyond the COVID-19 restrictions.
Meeting dates: Meets by Zoom on Tuesday 10-12 PM for five sessions, dates yet to be determined. Additional online Canvas discussion, reading and exercises as well. Doctor of Ministry students will also meet at additional times for check-in.
Course Downloads:
If you are not enrolled in a degree program but wish to register for this course, use the Online Registration for Special Students and Auditors.
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