Archives and Special Collections

The Hartford International University Archives contains the institutional records of Hartford International dating back to 1834 as well as the correspondence and papers of faculty, alumni, and others associated with the institution. Many of these items (letters, sermons, lectures, journal, and more) date back to the 1700s. Some of the materials deal with the social and political life of 18th and 19th century New England. Mission reports and field work letters from various parts of the world provide similar historical data from the respective countries. 
Special book collections include the A.C. Thompson Book Collection, the Arabian Nights collection, and the Duncan Black Macdonald Book Collection.
At present, the 1972 booklet Archives of the Case Memorial Library serves as a starting point for the archival collections. We have an extensive set of paper finders guides, organized by last name, which are accessible below.
We also have records accessible through Connecticut's Archives Online (CAO) and the Atla Digital Library.


Find papers of various individuals, by last name:

A ~  B ~  BL ~ C ~  D ~  E ~  F ~  G ~  H ~  I ~  J ~  K ~  L ~  M ~  MAT ~  N ~  O ~  P ~  PET ~  Q ~  R ~  S ~  SIS ~  T ~  U ~  V ~  W ~  WID ~ XYZ


If you are interested in learning more, or setting up an appointment to access our archival materials, please contact us at

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