Hartford Seminary Receives Faculty Grant for Joint Program on Scripture

December 2, 2019

Hartford Seminary is thrilled to be among the institutions winning a 2019-20 Faculty Grant from the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education (HCHE).

Hartford Seminary

The Faculty Grant Program is a 30+ year initiative that promotes collaboration between HCHE member institutions and the Greater Hartford community.

The grant awarded to Hartford Seminary, Trinity College, and St. Thomas Seminary will be used to put on a symposium on scriptural language entitled, The Many Names of God: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives. The symposium will be held at Trinity College on Thursday, April 5.

Other winning teams are:

UCONN-Hartford | University of Hartford | Trinity College

Project: “Urban Living in the Age of Climate Change: Sustainable Local Development in Hartford and Connecticut”

 University of Saint Joseph | University of Hartford | UCONN-Hartford

Project: Podcast: “Inside Out/Outside In – Addressing and Challenging the Problems of Racism and other forms of discrimination on University Campuses”

On Wednesday, Dec. 4, at Theaterworks in downtown Hartford, each team will present and showcase its project, its goals and how members of the community may be involved.

Congratulations to all the winners!

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