Professor Najib George Awad Gives Presentations in Vienna, Amsterdam

July 8, 2019

The Institute of Byzantine Studies at Vienna University invited Professor Najib George Awad to give a lecture on his new book, Umayyad Christianity: John of Damascus as a Contextual Example of Identity Formation in Early Islam.

Najib Awad Vienna

His lecture, given on June 25, was titled: Umayyad Christianity: A Book-Talk on Bringing John of Damascus Home.

The lecture ended with a wonderful and very rich Q-and-A round on the book on Christian-Muslim relations dynamic,” Professor Awad said.

Earlier this month, Professor Awad traveled to Amsterdam to read a paper titled ‘They Are in the World, but not of the World’: Biblical and Contextual Reflections on Church, Alterity and Self-Otherizing for the conference on The Calling of the Church in Times of Polarization organized by the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) in Vrij Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Najib Awad Amsterdam


Najib Awad Amsterdam

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