Professor Miriam Therese Winter's Essay Included in 'Soul Seeing' Book

December 21, 2018
Miriam Therese Winter

Professor Miriam Therese Winter is one of a number of authors included in the book Soul Seeing: Light, Love, Forgiveness, which was released in November.

The book was compiled by Michael Leach, a friend and colleague of Professor Winter, who writes the award-winning spirituality column “Soul Seeing” published in the National Catholic Reporter.

MT Soul Seeing: Light, Love, Forgiveness

Professor Winter gives one of 56 first-person accounts of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Publisher Orbis Books describes it as viewing, “the good and the beautiful that hides behind forms and breaks through experiences like flowers through cracks in a sidewalk.”

Other contributors include Joyce Rupp, James Martin, Richard Rohr, Sue Stanton, Michael Morewood, Mary DeTurris Poust, and Patrick T. Reardon.

Congratulations on another publication, Professor Winter!

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