Alumni Council Organizes Mentoring Program for Current Students

September 13, 2018
Molly James - Mentoring Program

The newly reinvigorated Alumni Council has recruited alumni who are interested in mentoring and will be connecting them soon with current students.

The council discussed the possibility during their initial meetings earlier this year. The Rev. Dr. Molly James, a Hartford Seminary alumna who participated in a similar mentoring program at the University of Exeter, took the lead role in organizing the group.

“Mentoring is a deeply important part of our formation,” the Rev. James said. “It reminds us that ministry is always done in community, with colleagues. We do our best work in collaboration and when we learn from those who have gone before us.”

Students who are interested in being paired with a mentor can fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfU0BLmHnvfDC5OsTlDy2Q6hMM36Xmduz6nVLCkHBW3_I2IUw/viewform

Alumni who would like to become a mentor can use this link:

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