Student Amy Langston Selected for Summer Program in Switzerland
June 5, 2018

Amy Langston, a 2018 graduate of the International Peacemaking Program and current Master of Arts in Religious Studies student, has been selected for the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Interreligious Studies (CASIS) summer school program at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches near Geneva, Switzerland.
The CASIS program, according to the website, is “intended to contribute to the issues of religious pluralism and intercultural acceptance in a society based on migration and globalization, the CAS in Interreligious studies aims at an international audience of young people (age between 20 and 35 years) interested and engaged interreligious dialogue, religious leaders, students, lay persons and professionals with a suitable level of religious literacy and/or experience in the field of interreligious dialogue and engagement, especially among the three Abrahamic religions.”
This year, the program theme focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Amy was born and raised around Raleigh, NC. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in religious studies from Meredith College in Raleigh and has been active in interfaith work for several years.
“I am honored to have been accepted to this program at Bossey. While at the seminary, my understanding has increased of cross-cultural and global differences in religious attitudes, life orientations, and addressing conflict. I am hoping that the similarly interreligious and integrated learning setting of Bossey will shape the remainder of my time at the seminary and my future professional goals.”
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