Hartford Seminary Statement Regarding Charlottesville

August 16, 2017

Hartford Seminary is a theological school one of whose most important missions is to deepen faith in God through study of the Abrahamic religions -- Christianity, Islam and Judaism -- and the relationships among them.  As such, Hartford Seminary is a diverse community of faithful teachers and learners who collaborate in scholarly work and daily life in service to God and one another.

On behalf of Hartford Seminary and its many supporters in Connecticut, the United States and across the world, we denounce in the strongest possible terms the hatred, bigotry and intolerance espoused by the White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klansmen and the Neo-Nazis who this past weekend rampaged through Charlottesville, Virginia, leaving three people dead and many injured.

The beliefs that animate these haters are destructive of God's creation and poisonous to the human spirit.  These beliefs have no place in civic discourse in America.  These beliefs have nothing in common with the beliefs of the counter protesters who stood against the haters.  These beliefs must be rejected out of hand.

Hartford Seminary will redouble its effort to lead through its example.

Dr. Heidi Hadsell
President and Professor of Social Ethics
Hartford Seminary

Dr. Vanda McMurtry
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Hartford Seminary

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