Hartford Seminary Declares Sanctuary Status

April 4, 2017
Hartford Seminary Sign

The Board of Trustees has voted to declare Hartford Seminary a sanctuary seminary. The statement agreed upon unanimously by the board reads as follows:

Hartford Seminary has declared itself a “sanctuary seminary” in keeping with the religious meaning of the term as a sacred place of refuge or safety.

Hartford Seminary has long been committed to an ethic of inclusion in its academic life and mission. Our unique interfaith approach to preparing religious leaders worldwide makes it imperative that we continue to welcome students, faculty and staff from around the world and to provide them a secure environment. There are no borders when it comes to our commitment to strengthening relationships and promoting understanding across religious divides.

As a sanctuary seminary in a sanctuary city and state, we affirm the values of openness, unity and fairness. To that end:

  • We remain committed to the principles of non-discrimination, including equal protection under the law, regardless of national origin or citizenship.
  • We will not voluntarily assist the federal government in efforts to deport our students, faculty or staff solely because of their citizenship status.

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