Alum Spotlight: Marisa Brown Ludwig

December 2, 2016
Marisa Brown Ludwig

Our alumni are out in the world doing amazing things. We caught up with the Rev. Marisa Brown Ludwig and asked her give us an update:

I spent four years part-time at Hartford Seminary in the Cooperative Master of Divinity Degree (2004-2008), completing the Women’s Leadership Institute and Building Abrahamic Partnerships I and II.  Then I transferred to Andover Newton (Theological Seminary) to finish, completing my degree in December of 2010. I did a year of Clinical Pastoral Education after that, and was called to my first ministry as Associate Pastor of First Church of Christ in Longmeadow, MA, UCC. I was ordained in December 2013.

I love many aspects of pastoral ministry, but particular passions of mine are growing church that is safe and inclusive for LGBTQIA community and building a local family of interfaith communities who connect in worship and mission together.  Both of these things are flourishing for me in Western Mass!

While serving in Longmeadow, I am the Communications Coordinator for the Interfaith Council of Western Mass, and am Chair of the Task Force on Ecumenism & Interfaith Relations for the Massachusetts Conference UCC.  I co-launched a weekly interfaith clergy/community coffee hour at our local area Starbucks, inviting conversation with a faith presence.  I nurture the Open & Affirming Ministries of our church, helping to found a monthly community LGBTQ support group and marching in the local PRIDE parade with our members.

I always was drawn to bridge-building work, but it was Hartford Seminary that fostered and equipped me to be a leader in these ministries – and it couldn’t be more needed than in this post-election time!  Building Abrahamic Partnerships and the Women’s Leadership Institute both gave me deep relationships with interfaith peers and mentors, and helped me learn what my personal gifts are as a faith leader who is also a woman.

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