Free Peace Capacities Colloquium Offered to Degree and Graduate Certificate Students

August 18, 2016

Hartford Seminary is pleased to offer a special opportunity to all of its matriculated degree and graduate certificate students. The Peace Capacities Colloquium will provide training in mediation, public speaking, working with the media, public dialogue facilitation, and project planning. Up to 15 students will be able to take this course without paying additional tuition.

IPP Teambuilding Game

This course is a collection of skill-building workshops, designed to sharpen your capacity to promote peace and apply what you learn in your Hartford Seminary classes.   See below for descriptions of topics covered. This is a full-year sequence of workshops, structured as an ungraded course for no credit.  It will appear on the transcript for those registered participants who attend four out of the five trainings listed below.  Scheduling of workshops is ongoing, and will take enrolled students’ schedules into account. Two workshops will be offered during intercession week, Jan 9-12, 2017

Mediation training:  co-led by Dr. Robert Evans and Phoebe Milliken.   Addresses conflict transformation theory, a five-stage mediation process, and three models of conflict analysis.  Students participate in multiple role plays to practice their mediation skills.  Offered as a weekly class, Mondays 10:00-noon throughout the fall semester.
Public Speaking training:  led by Hartford Seminary Corporator Joe Colletti .  Trains participants in organizing presentations, overcoming anxiety, handling questions after a presentation, and techniques for effective meeting facilitation.  Two full days. Date: TBD
Media Effectiveness training:  led by trainers from Auburn Theological Seminary.   Addresses identifying common interviewing pitfalls, crafting and delivering a strong message. Students practice through mock interviews. May be extended to include effective use of social media.  One to two full days. Date: TBD
Public Dialogue Facilitation training:  led by Dave Joseph of the Public Conversations Project. Trains participants in the Reflective Structured Dialogue method to design and facilitate public dialogues that are attuned to interfaith issues and promote civil discourse on controversial subjects.  Two full days. Date: TBD
Project Planning and Management training:  led by Prof. Joshua Ellsworth, of Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management.  Addresses project planning values and priorities such as sustainability, participation, capacity building, empowerment, and issues related to social and environmental justice. Participants are trained in the design of logic models and Logical Framework Analysis, a project development method used by many donors. Three full days. Date: TBD This course is only open to matriculated Hartford Seminary Graduate Certificate and Degree students. Enrollment is limited to 15

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