President Hadsell Gives Keynote Address at Council for World Mission Assembly

June 21, 2016
Heidi Hadsell

Hartford Seminary President Heidi Hadsell delivered the keynote address at the Council for World Mission Assembly on June 19th in South Korea. The Council for World Mission is a worldwide partnership of Christian churches. The 31 member organizations are committed to sharing their resources of people, skills and insights globally to carry out God’s mission locally. CWM was created in 1977 and incorporates the London Missionary Society, the Commonwealth Missionary Society and the (English) Presbyterian Board of Missions.

The CWM Assembly takes place every four years at various locations around the world. The 2016 Assembly took place on Jeju Island in South Korea. The Assembly is a highly anticipated event on the CWM calendar when the member Churches gather for worship, fellowship and the sharing and celebration of God’s work in their different ministries. In coming together as one family to read, reflect, respond and recommit, relationships are built and reinforced. The Assembly Program includes worship, bible study, prayer time and two cultural nights. It is an exciting opportunity for interaction amongst the delegates, speakers, ecumenical guests, regional secretaries, host church and CWM staff.

President Hadsell’s address focused on three grand narratives, which are secular, and the challenges they pose to the Christian narrative. The three grand narratives Dr. Hadsell spoke on were the global economy, human relationships with the natural world, and the nature of human collective identities and what we do with difference.

[Dr. Hadsell’s keynote address can be viewed above; her address begins at 25:30 and goes until 58:45. You may also listen in on a question and answer session, beginning around the 1:45:00 mark.]

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