First Study Released on Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations

November 9, 2021
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This week the Hartford Institute for Religion Research released a study giving the first glimpse of how U.S. congregations are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, and data shows that congregational life is far from being “back to normal.”

The study, Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations: Innovation Amidst and Beyond Covid-19, includes
2,074 survey responses from 38 Christian denominational groups from mid-June to the end of August 2021.

“These findings from the summer clearly show that the pandemic has had a profound impact across the religious spectrum, and that some churches are faring better than others,” said Principal Investigator Scott Thumma. “The fact that 83% of churches had at least one member test positive shows that almost no congregation was spared, but over two-thirds feel they will emerge stronger than before implies these faith communities are a resilient bunch.”

Research shows 80% of churches are now offering hybrid services with both in-person and remote options, while
only 15% are solely worshipping in person. However, during the height of the pandemic when people around the country were experiencing severe isolation over half of the churches surveyed (54%) reported completely discontinuing fellowship events, rather than moving them online.

Community service activities, however, remained a thriving ministry for most churches and continued to be offered in person. Over 30% of congregations saw the need for food assistance, counseling and spiritual demands grow over the course of the pandemic. Fortunately, many congregations (41%) also saw their giving increase to help meet this growing demand.

Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations also found the majority of clergy (62%) encouraged parishioners to get vaccinated and 28% of congregations welcomed medical personnel to address their membership.

This is the first wave of a collaborative, five-year research project funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and led by the
Hartford Institute for Religion Research at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace (formerly Hartford Seminary). We will continue to release targeted analyses of more specific findings from our topical surveys breaking down how Mainline/Evangelical, multiracial, Black congregations, Latinx congregations, and churches of differing sizes are navigating the pandemic.

Sign up to receive our newsletter at www.covidreligionresearch.org and like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you receive our reports as soon as they are released.

News coverage of the report includes:

Most Comprehensive Study Yet of Covid's Impact on Churches Finds Uneven Results

Amid COVID-19, Most Churches Provide Hybrid Worship, Half Stopped Picnics

To request an interview about the study, contact sbrown@hartfordinternational.edu.

Cover of Navigating the Pandemic report

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