Dr. Lucinda Mosher Takes Part in Online Panel on Modern Muslim Theology

September 24, 2019

Lucinda Mosher, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Studies, participated in an online book panel on Modern Muslim Theology: Engaging God and the World with Faith and Imagination hosted by the Christian-Muslim Studies Network.

Lucinda Mosher headshot 2018

Dr. Mosher’s part in the dialogue was titled Praying Shapes Believing: A Response to Martin Nguyen.

She writes:

“As a Christian theologian in the Anglican tradition, a specialist in Christian-Muslim concerns whose formation as a scholar took place (for the most part) in seminaries, I was delighted to see among the themes Martin Nguyen addresses in his theology of engagement is ritual prayer (chapter seven). Why? Over the centuries, Christians in the Anglican tradition have exhibited a fondness for the motto: lex orandi lex credendi — the law of praying is the law of believing; or, as Leonel Mitchell renders it, ‘Praying shapes believing’.”

To read the full piece, click on this link.

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