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Dr. David D. Grafton Releases Book on Islam in 19th-Century Seminaries

September 18, 2024


David Grafton holding his book

The Rev. Dr. David D. Grafton, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, has a new book titled, “Muhammad in the Seminary.” The book provides an in-depth look at the information about Islam that was available in seminaries throughout the nineteenth century.

“I was curious what Protestant seminaries in America were teaching about Islam from the very beginning of seminary education,” David says. He initially assumed that the teachings would be mostly negative, prompting him to examine the curricula, lectures, and faculty books from seven different Protestant seminaries in the 19th century.

To his surprise, he discovered much nuance and diversity in their views. “Ultimately, I wanted to see if Christian seminaries might learn any lessons about training the future clergy in America. I hope I succeeded," he adds.

Muhammad in the Seminary examines what Protestant seminaries taught about this tradition in the formative years of pastoral education. In charting how American Christian leaders’ ideas about Islam were shaped by their seminary experiences, this volume offers new insight into American religious history and the study of Christian-Muslim relations.

“The cover image comes from the ceiling of the reading room of the Library of Congress rotunda, The Evolution of Civilization, 1896,” David said. 

Congratulations, David!

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