Community Prayer
September 7, 2022
from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM

HIU's weekly Community Prayer will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022, at 12 p.m. EST with an in-person prayer in the 77 Sherman Meeting Room. It will be livestreamed on our Facebook page and on YouTube.
Community prayer will be held each Wednesday at 12 p.m. EST, either remotely on Zoom, or in-person with a livestream feed on Facebook. It is approximately 30 minutes and is often followed by Interfaith Café, which is a virtual meeting and time for informal conversation focused on the theme of the community prayer for the week. Once a month there will be a community meal offered after the in-person community prayer. An effort will be made to provide kosher, halal, and vegan options.
Community prayer offers the university the opportunity to gather together for spiritual support. The format and focus of the service will change and take the shape of the particular tradition of the community prayer leader each week. Attendees who do not identify with the tradition being celebrated in a week are encouraged to attend and be participant observers as their comfort level allows. Participants from any and no religious tradition are welcome! Please join the session for a time of learning, reflecting, and praying.
The community prayer committee is looking for two student assistants to help in the planning and curating of the events. Please see the employment page of HIU.
The Zoom link for online community prayer is
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