Master of Arts in Chaplaincy Domestic Application


We are glad you have chosen to apply to HIU and we hope to offer guidance in this process. Below are guidelines to help you gather the correct documentation for your application.

Click on the link to learn more about the Master of Arts in Chaplaincy program. 

If you are not ready to apply and submit the $50 application fee but would like to connect with us and learn more about HIU, please complete a “Request Information” form. If you would like to attend an information session or visit campus, we invite you to explore those options as well.

Please email if you have questions about your application. You may also call (860) 509-9500 and ask for the Admissions or Enrollment office. 


Here are some application requirements that will help you complete the process and be eligible for review (expand for details):

    • A list of previous Higher Education institutions and the dates you attended;
    • Please request that official transcripts are sent to us directly from all institutions that have granted you a degree. We cannot accept transcripts sent directly from applicants. (The specific mailing address and email are included in the application.)
    • If you have international degree transcripts, we must have an official evaluation of them for a final admissions decision. See here for an evaluation application link for a discounted price through The Evaluation Company (formerly SpanTran). You may also use World Education Services (WES).
    • Your goals in seeking theological education and the experiences that have led you to do so;
    • The reasons you have chosen Hartford International University, in particular, and your educational/ vocational goals;
    • The life experiences that have most significantly shaped your values and who you are as a person.
    • At least one letter must be from a faculty member of an institution from which you have earned a degree or a person from your religious community or workplace who can speak to your potential for graduate-level study.
    • $50 application fee

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