Walter Fluker
Distinguished Professor of the Howard Thurman Center

Dr. Fluker is the Martin Luther King, Jr Professor Emeritus of Ethical Leadership at Boston University and presently serves as Dean’s Professor of Spirituality, Ethics and Leadership at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He retired from the Boston University School of Theology in June 2020.
In addition to his work as a pastor and chaplain, Dr. Fluker taught at Harvard College from 1990 to 1991 and was named Dean of Black Church Studies and Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies at the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School (CRDS) in 1991. In 1992, Fluker became editor of the Howard Thurman Papers Project. He served as Director of the CRDS’s National Resource Center for the Development of Ethical Leadership from the Black Church Tradition from 1993 to 1998.
In 1998, Dr. Fluker joined Morehouse College as Executive Director of The Leadership Center (renamed the Andrew Young Center for Global Leadership), The Coca Cola Professor of Leadership Studies, and Professor of Philosophy and Religion. In 2004, Fluker served as Distinguished Lecturer in the International Human Rights Exchange Program and visiting professor for the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business and from 2008-2011 as faculty at The Salzburg Global Seminar, Salzburg, Austria. He has served visiting professorships at the Harvard Divinity School and Candler School of Theology; and visiting scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary, and Columbia Theological Seminary.
Dr. Fluker has also consulted and provided ethical leadership training in diversity and inclusion for an array of organizations. Among his many publications is the forthcoming, The Unfinished Search for Common Ground: Reimagining Howard Thurman’s Life and Work.
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