Theologies of Chaplaincies: Working on the Edge of Religion (AM-604)

Course Details:

This course aids in the chaplain’s role definition as a person representing religion and God on the edges of religious institutions. It privileges the complex experience of representing faith in multifaith and//or secular contexts and/or blended contexts. The course will explore the role of a chaplain in a variety of settings, including medical facilities, universities, prisons, and as advocates in institutions and places as yet unconsidered. This course provides an introductory experience for people considering and training for chaplaincy as a vocation.

Course fulfills the following curricular requirements:
MAIRS - Ministerial Studies: Arts of Ministry

MAIRS - Interreligious Studies Elective
MAC - Chaplaincy Elective

MAC - Islamic Chaplaincy Pathway Elective

If you are not enrolled in a degree program but wish to register for this course, use the Online Registration for Special Students and Auditors.

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