Spiritual Pastoral Care (CH-620)

Course Details:

In this course, we will explore spiritual care issues related to normal and crisis life events. We will survey a range of theoretical and practical issues related to the care of individuals and communities as they move through life changes. Because listening, responding, and self awareness are key elements in the art of spiritual care, emphasis will be placed on developing and honing skills in that areas. We will give particular attention to The integration of theological reflection, reflection, family systems theory, systemic oppression and suffering, and practical skills through the course.

*Students will be expected to engage in learning activities ahead of the first class meeting in preparation for this intensive course.

Course fulfills the following curricular requirements:
Practical Training - Field Education
MAC - Chaplaincy Elective
MAC - Islamic Studies Pathway Elective


If you are not enrolled in a degree program but wish to register for this course, use the Online Registration for Special Students and Auditors.

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